Backlit signs and posters are two of the things that help business capture the attention of customers. With their intricate, custom designs together with vivid colors, graphics and images, they are what ensure your brand’s visibility, whether it is day or night. But simple colors and designs are sometimes not good enough. For that, S&K provides you with quality dye sublimated backlit signs perfect for your business.
Made from 100% polyester translucent film, these dye sublimated backlit signs by S&K are sure to attract your customers with its vivid colors, images and graphics completely customized and made to illuminate your premises for an eye-catching and striking signage. Of course, these dye sublimated backlit signs are not only beautiful to look at with its eye catching colors and designs, they are also durable and waterproof to make sure that you can use it for a longer time.
At this time we do not have any downloadable templates for this product. Reasons for this may be due to there being no standard size ( as each item would be custom ) or we may just not have a template created for this item. If you feel that we should create a template for this product please email us at: |
All of our products come with a possible 10% quantity +/- increase/decrease total. These will be mostly seen with larger quantity items such as our stickers/decals, dye sub transfer sheets, mousepads, etc where there are high quantities with the same artwork on each item. The customer will be responsible for any charges for these overages at the same rate per item along with rest of the quoted order.
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